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Essential Elements in a Successful Slip and Fall Case 

 Posted on November 17,2022 in Premises Liability

Will County Personal Injury LawyerSlipping and falling can lead to severe injuries that may have a significant impact on your life. Traumatic brain injuries, internal organ injuries, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones are just a few of the potential injuries that can be sustained in a fall. If you or a loved one have been injured in a fall, you may wonder whether you have a valid personal injury case. This blog will discuss the main elements that must be present in order for a slip and fall injury claim to be successful.

Four Components in a Successful Personal Injury Case

In order to win a personal injury case, the victim must be able to prove that the four main components of negligence are present. These include duty, breach, causation, and damages.

  • Duty - The first component that must be present is duty. The plaintiff must show that the defendant owed them a duty of care. This means that the defendant had a responsibility to take reasonable precautions to prevent injuries. For example, business owners have a duty to keep their premises safe and free of hazards. Spilled liquids, unsecured rugs, and slippery floors are all examples of hazards that can lead to slip and fall accidents.

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Injured by a Drunk Driver: Exploring Your Options

 Posted on November 09,2022 in Personal Injury

Plainfield Car Accident LawyerDriving under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things a person can do. Unfortunately, drunk driving is still common in Illinois and across the nation. If you or a loved one were injured in a car crash caused by an intoxicated driver, you may be interested in learning about your legal options. The drunk driver may face DUI charges and even jail time for his or her role in the crash. However, the criminal justice system does not provide compensation to victims of drunk driving accidents.

You may be able to seek monetary damages through a personal injury lawsuit. If you are successful, you could receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It is important to note that you only have a limited time to file a personal injury lawsuit. Therefore, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney as soon as possible after the accident.

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I Was Hit by a Car While Riding My Bike and Suffered a Serious Injury. What Should I Do?

 Posted on October 21,2022 in Car Crashes

joliet bicycle accident lawyerTraveling by automobile is an essential form of travel woven into our society's very fabric. However, with gas prices soaring to unprecedented levels, many are looking for other, more economical forms of travel. There is no better way to burn calories and save money at the gas pump than taking your bike out for a ride instead of your car. Unfortunately, vehicle operators often forget that the road does not belong solely to them.

Whether riding a bike or even crossing the road on foot, being struck by a car can result in dreadful consequences and, in some cases, even wrongful death. If you or someone you love has been hit by a vehicle, consider contacting a knowledgeable personal injury attorney to pursue compensation for your injuries. Depending on the circumstances of your case and the severity of your injury, you may be entitled to compensation to account for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and more. 

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Pursuing Compensation for An Injury Suffered During An Uber or Lyft Ride In Illinois 

 Posted on October 05,2022 in Personal Injury

naperville car crash lawyerRideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern-day society. According to the Pew Research Center, 36 percent of adults in the United States say they have used ridesharing apps like Uber or Lyft. Many individuals use apps like these because they provide a safe transportation alternative, especially if you are traveling to the airport or other locations with limited parking. In addition, Uber and Lyft are often seen as attractive alternative modes of transportation for a night out on the town. However, what happens if you are in an Uber or Lyft and your driver gets into an accident, causing you to suffer injuries?  

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Can a Pedestrian Hit By a Car Sue the Driver?

 Posted on September 23,2022 in Personal Injury

pedestrian.jpgIL injury lawyerResearchers and public health experts are stymied and alarmed by the growing trend of pedestrian injuries and deaths due to traffic accidents. While many types of car accidents have been steadily decreasing, pedestrian injuries have actually increased significantly in the last 10 years and pedestrian fatalities among children under age 15 have more than doubled in recent years. If you or a loved one were struck by a vehicle while on foot, you are probably wondering whether you have legal options.

Common Injuries in Pedestrian-Vehicle Accidents

Because of the significant difference in size and weight between a pedestrian and a vehicle, it is not surprising that injuries tend to be serious even when they are not life-threatening. Common injuries suffered by people struck by vehicles include, but are not limited to:

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Can I Sue a Movie Theater if I Was Injured on the Premises?

 Posted on September 20,2022 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerWhen you go to see the latest blockbuster hit at your local movie theater, you can hardly anticipate having a serious accident while inside the theater. After all, theaters tend to be fairly tame places as far as entertainment goes - you buy a snack, find your seat, and get up to leave after the movie is over.

Surprisingly, however, movie theaters are rife with opportunities for customers to get seriously injured. If you were hurt in a movie theater, it is important to take your injuries seriously. You deserve to be compensated for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages if the theater was responsible for causing or contributing to your injuries. To learn more, read this blog and then contact an experienced Illinois premises liability to learn more about your options.

Common Injuries in Illinois Movie Theaters

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My Friend Was Driving and Crashed the Car. Can I Sue Him?

 Posted on August 25,2022 in Car Crashes

Joliet personal injury lawyerDevastating car accidents that cause serious injuries are events most people believe will never happen to them. Yet the most serious car accidents often happen when people least expect it; driving with friends in the car, for example, is a prime cause of distracted driving accidents because people are talking, handing each other things, and calling the driver’s attention away from the road. 

Young men are particularly susceptible to car accidents involving friends in the car. Goofing around and trying to show off are classic young adult behaviors, and while they are typically harmless, they can have serious consequences when they happen in a car. If you were injured when you were traveling in a vehicle that a friend was driving, and your friend’s behavior caused the crash, you may be wondering if you can take action. 

Insurance Companies and Car Accidents

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Common Motorcycle Driving Errors Can Cause Serious Injury and Death

 Posted on August 04,2022 in Motorcycle Crash Injuries

plainfield car accident lawyerAs Illinois summer moves into its hottest month, many motorcyclists will be on the road and trying to keep cool. While driving with the wind in your hair may seem like an excellent alternative to crawling into a piping hot car and waiting for the air conditioning to turn on, driving motorcycles has serious risks and limitations. 

Most obviously, motorcycles are small and difficult to see, making them easy victims of car and truck accidents. And while most motorcycle riders exercise caution, the few who take risks on the road contribute to more than their fair share of motorcycle accidents. Whether you are a motorcyclist or sharing the road with motorcycles, it is important to be aware of common driving errors that motorcyclists often make that end up causing accidents. 

Risky Motorcycle Driving Behaviors

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Inappropriate Construction-Site Scaffolding Can Cause Serious Injuries and Death

 Posted on July 28,2022 in Personal Injury

joliet personal injury attorneyIllinois construction sites are notoriously dangerous places to work. One of the most important security measures that help protect construction workers is scaffolding. Appropriate scaffolding that is constructed according to OSHA standards has saved the lives of countless people who must work in high places. Unfortunately, poorly constructed scaffolding causes thousands of workers every year to fall, resulting in serious injuries and even death. Such construction injuries are almost entirely preventable, and if you suffered an injury or lost a loved one because of poor scaffolding, you may rightfully feel angry and motivated to take action. 

How Are Construction Workers Injured on Scaffolding? 

Scaffolding has been in use for hundreds of years, and the dangers of improper scaffolding have been understood for decades. When dangerous scaffolding errors take place because OSHA regulations are ignored by either the company or the employees responsible for setting up the scaffolding, there is simply no excuse. While scaffolding accidents can happen in many ways, the vast majority of avoidable accidents are attributable to the following situations: 

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How Do Illinois Personal Injury Cases Work? 

 Posted on July 14,2022 in Uncategorized

will county injury attorneyThe most famous American personal injury cases often make news headlines for enormous settlements under circumstances that some people, without knowing the full story, may see as ridiculous. However, personal injury lawsuits remain a crucial lifeline for allowing people wronged by the dangerous, careless, or negligent actions of someone else to recover essential compensation that can cover anything from medical expenses to lost life quality. 

If you have been in a serious accident and suffered injuries for which someone else is responsible, you likely have questions about how personal injury cases work. Read this brief overview and then contact an experienced Illinois personal injury attorney. 

Overview of the Personal Injury Case Process

The first thing most people do is contact at least one personal injury attorney to schedule a consultation and get an idea of what their options are. Although it may be tempting to try to handle your case yourself, an attorney has the experience and skill necessary to let you know whether you are getting a fair deal and whether you could fight harder for something better. 

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